Facebook Fundraiser Toolkit

From April to June 2020, Florida Impact to End Hunger is conducting a Facebook fundraiser to ensure Florida Healthy Retail can continue delivering fresh produce to corner stores in Miami Gardens.
The three ways you can contribute
For all the methods, first please visit the Florida Healthy Retail fundraiser Facebook page where you'll see three buttons at the top of that page, which are also the three ways you can help:
1. DONATE - This is a pretty classic way to support our fundraiser! Please make sure you donate through the Facebook page so that it counts towards our displayed goal.
2. INVITE - A quick way to alert your friends of this fundraiser. Though this method may seem really simple and indirect, it actually makes a huge impact.
3. SHARE - This will not only share the fundraiser page to all of your friends' feed, but also give you an (optional) opportunity to explain why you think this is a cause worth donating to. For some guidance, please see below.
If you choose to share the fundraiser, find some options to copy and paste into your post below.
I've celebrated #GivingTuesdayNow a little early this year and made a donation to the Florida Healthy Retail fundraiser! They are currently delivering fresh and affordable produce to local corner stores in communities that lack access to healthy foods... but they need funding to keep the program going. Please also consider giving a donation to support this effort and/or you can share this post to help spread the word. #cantstopthegood #floridahealthyretail
Now is an especially important time to ensure families have access to fruits and veggies to help maintain healthy immune systems. But not all communities have access to big grocery stores with a produce aisle, and have to rely on small corner stores for that supply. Florida Impact to End Hunger, as part of the Florida Healthy Retail project, is trying to ease that gap and raise money so they can continue delivering fresh produce to these very communities. Please consider a donation to this cause! #cantstopthegood #floridahealthyretail #GivingTuesdayNow
Giving feels good! I just donated to the Florida Healthy Retail Fundraiser, and I ask you all to do the same. Florida Impact to End Hunger needs funding so they can continue delivering affordable fruits and veggies to communities that need it. #cantstopthegood #floridahealthyretail #GivingTuesdayNow