Miami Gardens Certification

On December 9, 2020, the Miami Gardens City Council officially, and unanimously, passed the Miami Gardens Healthy Corner Store Certification Policy, establishing a path to long-term sustainability for this project. The policy creates a tiered designation system for stores who meet a series of criteria based on national nutrition and retail standards. A series of incentives have been developed to reward stores participating in the program. Tiers will be awarded by the City of Miami Gardens in collaboration with the Live Healthy Miami Gardens Healthy Retail Working Group.
Please check back in Spring 2021 for application instructions. Stores will not have to join the Miami Gardens Healthy Corner Stores Project to be recognized through the tiered designation system. The purpose of the Project is to support stores in achieving or advancing designation tier status.

Small Food Retailer: A convenience store, small grocery store, food specialty store, pharmacy, and any other retail program licensed by the City of Miami Gardens and having a Gross Floor Area (GFA) less than 5,000 square feet offering for sale food for consumption off premises. Additionally, the retailer must have at least one refrigeration unit available for healthy food and beverage storage and must be an approved SNAP-EBT retailer.

TIER 1: Platinum
Shall choose a minimum of 4 standards in addition to Standard 1, 2 and 3.
All Tier 2 and 3 rewards
Healthy Selection Toolkit (fresh produce handling, healthy food marketing, healthy product check list, wholesale vendors, and basic nutrition education)
Baskets for non-refrigerated produce or other healthy products
Publicity and promotion in LHMG newsletter, website and social media platforms
Citywide trolley advertisements
Mapping and signage on the Florida Healthy Retail Web Site
TIER 2: Gold
Shall choose a minimum of 3 standards in addition to Standard 1, 2 or 3.
All Tier 3 rewards
Healthy Selection Toolkit (fresh produce handling, healthy food marketing, healthy product check list, wholesale vendors, and basic nutrition education)
Public recognition on the LHMG website
Expedited processing of City licenses for businesses
Mapping and signage on the Florida Healthy Retail Web Site.
TIER 3: Silver
Shall choose a minimum of 2 standards in addition to Standard 1.
Healthy Selection Toolkit (fresh produce handling, healthy food marketing, healthy product check list, wholesale vendors, and basic nutrition education);
Graffiti removal (organized by the Committee as a community volunteer Program)
3 rating points in the Business incentive program application R3 2008- 152-839-72308
Complimentary Healthy Corner Store marketing signage for use within the store
Mapping and signage on the Florida Healthy Retail Web Site

(Standard #1 is required for all Tiers)
1. Regularly stock:
a) Vegetables, with at least 3 fresh varieties (unique PLU (Price Look Up) and 2 different varieties of either fresh, canned and/or frozen vegetables.
i. Perishable items must be whole, unprocessed and in good condition.
ii. Frozen vegetables must have no added ingredients.
iii. Canned vegetables must contain no more than 230mg of sodium per serving.
b) Fruit with a least two (2) fresh varieties (unique PLU) (not counting lemons and limes) and 2 different varieties of either fresh, canned, and/or frozen fruit in their own juice or water.
i. Perishable items must be whole, unprocessed, and in good condition.
ii. Frozen fruit must have no added ingredients.
iii. Canned fruits must be in 100% juice.
c) Beverages: Offer at least four varieties of either zero-calorie nonalcoholic cold beverage options including water, or 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice. Beverages in this category must contain no added sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no added caffeine, and no more than 140mg of sodium per serving.
d) Snacks: Offer at least two healthier snack options
i. Shall contain as first ingredient one of the healthy foods appearing in other categories listed here (i.e. qualifying fruit, vegetable, whole grain, nut, seed, healthy protein, or low-fat dairy).
ii. If an item contains more than one serving per package, the total servings in the package must meet the sugar and sodium qualifications listed below: a. Each package should have no more than 200mg of sodium total. b. Each package should have no more than 13g of sugar total (exception: products that get sugar exclusively from qualifying fruits, vegetables, and/or dairy items).
iii. Snacks containing dried or pureed fruit or vegetables as the first ingredient (e.g. raisins, applesauce, and fruit squeezers) must contain no added sugar.
iv. Gummy fruit snacks and fruit leather are not included.
v. Potato in any form as a first ingredient is not included.
2. Develop healthy floor plan standards with a minimum of 50% of FAR (floor area ratio) specifically designated to food that is non-expired or spoiled. The food must include, but is not limited to, the following:
a) Vegetables, with at least 3 fresh varieties (unique PLU) and 2 different varieties of either fresh, canned and/or frozen vegetables.
i. Perishable items must be whole, unprocessed, and in good condition.
ii. Frozen vegetables must have no added ingredients.
iii. Canned vegetables must contain no more than 230mg of sodium per serving.
b) Fruit with a least two (2) fresh varieties (unique PLU) (not counting lemons and limes) and two (2) different varieties of either fresh, canned, and/or frozen fruit in their own juice or water.
i. Perishable items must be whole, unprocessed, and in good condition.
ii. Frozen fruit must have no added ingredients.
iii. Canned fruits must be in 100% juice.
c) One variety of meat, poultry, or fish. This may include:
i. Fresh eggs.
ii. Fish or shellfish: Fresh, canned in water or tomato sauce or frozen with no added ingredients. Fish varieties may not include: king mackerel, marlin, orange roughly, shark, swordfish, tilefish, ahi tuna, and bigeye tuna.
iii. Poultry: Fresh or frozen skinless white/breast meat or canned in water with no more than 230 mg of sodium per serving.
iv. Beef and other meat: Fresh or frozen, lean or extra lean only (i.e. no more than 10% fat).
d) Three varieties of canned beans. Must contain no more than 230 mg of sodium per serving.
e) One nut butter (e.g. peanut butter, almond butter with no added sugar).
i. First ingredient must be nuts.
ii. No added jelly, honey, or chocolate ingredients.
f) Three varieties of Grain (100% whole grain) (e.g. bread, pasta, brown rice, cereal, or tortillas.)
i. A “whole grain” must be listed as the first ingredient. Grain varieties includes: whole wheat, white whole wheat, whole corn, brown rice, oats, cornmeal, quinoa, and barley.
ii. Tortillas must be 100% whole wheat flour tortillas or corn tortillas with “whole grain corn” or “whole corn” as the first ingredient.
iii. Breakfast cereal:
a. Whole grain must be the first ingredient.
b. Cereal should be on Florida’s WIC Authorized Whole Grain Breakfast Cereal List, or cereal should be a vitamin-fortified breakfast cereal containing no more than 6g of sugar per listed serving (1 NLEA serving; typically, 27g or 28g).
g) Three varieties of Dairy Products and/or dairy substitutes, including at least one type of low-fat or skim milk with no added sugar and/or one plant-derived milk (i.e., almond, soy) and at least one variety of low-fat or no-fat cheese or yogurt.
i. Milk:
a. Low-fat (1%) or skim.
b. Must be unsweetened and unflavored pasteurized milk, including lactose-free milk and calcium- and Vitamins A and D-fortified soy, almond, or rice milk.
ii. Cheese:
a. Low-fat (1%) or skim cheese (except cream cheese and processed cheese products), including calcium-fortified soy cheese.
iii. Yogurt:
a. Plain or flavored yogurt, including calcium-fortified soy yogurt.
b. Must contain no more than 23g of total sugar per 6oz.
c. May not contain any candy or cookie ingredients.
d. No artificial sweeteners.
h) Beverages: Offer at least four varieties of zero-calorie nonalcoholic cold beverage options, including water. If fruit or vegetable juice is sold, water must be the first ingredient, with 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice or “natural flavors” listed for flavoring.
i. Beverages in this category must contain no added sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no added caffeine, and no more than 140mg of sodium per serving.
i) Snacks: Offer at least two healthier snack options.
i. Shall contain as first ingredient one of the healthy foods appearing in other categories listed here (i.e. qualifying fruit, vegetable, whole grain, nut, seed, healthy protein, or low-fat dairy)
ii. If an item contains more than one serving per package, the total servings in the package must meet the sugar and sodium qualifications listed below:
a. Each package should have no more than 200mg of sodium total.
b. Each package should have no more than 13g of sugar total (exception: products that get sugar exclusively from qualifying fruits, vegetables, and/or dairy items).
iii. Snacks containing dried or pureed fruit or vegetables as the first ingredient (e.g. raisins, applesauce, and fruit squeezers) must contain no added sugar.
iv. Gummy fruit snacks and fruit leather are not included.
v. Potato in any form as a first ingredient is not included.
3. Health Zone Area: Dedicate a specific area in front of the store or at check-out lane. Healthy Checkout Area may include but is not limited to:
a) Candy-free check out areas.
b) No advertising of alcohol and cigarettes in check-out lane.
c) Removing tobacco products from Healthy Checkout lane and/or from plain view in check-out isles.
d) Offering at least two healthier snack options:
i. Shall contain as first ingredient one of the healthy foods appearing in other categories listed here (i.e. qualifying fruit, vegetable, whole grain, nut, seed, healthy protein, or low-fat dairy).
ii. If an item contains more than one serving per package, the total servings in the package must meet the sugar and sodium qualifications listed below:
a. Each package should have no more than 200mg of sodium total.
b. Each package should have no more than 13g of sugar total (exception: products that get sugar exclusively from qualifying fruits, vegetables, and/or dairy items).
iii. Snacks containing dried or pureed fruit or vegetables as the first ingredient (e.g. raisins, applesauce, and fruit squeezers) must contain no added sugar.
iv. Gummy fruit snacks and fruit leather are not included.
v. Potato in any form as a first ingredient is not included.
4. Corner store shall increase interior educational information by posting a minimum of two (2) culturally relevant signs containing information on the benefits of fruits and vegetables.
5. Replace a minimum of two (2) alcohol and tobacco posters with at least two (2) educational and/or healthy corner market signs.
6. Offer one sale, coupon, or other discount per month on any product as defined in #1 above that meets program standards.
7. Price one bottled water option below the price of all other beverages of the same volume and display this low-price bottled water option at eye level in refrigerator.
8. Display healthy advertising and minimize (Maximum of 40%) exterior signage promoting alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
9. Is an approved WIC EBT retailer.
10. Display Healthy Selection shelf talkers and boards on healthy food and beverages.
11. Devote a minimum of 50% of beverage refrigeration units to healthy beverage options. 12. Offer at least two (2) Florida-grown fresh fruit or vegetable options as outlined in Standard 1 above. These items should include signage indicating they are local or Florida-grown produce.